streda 16. mája 2012
name is Matúš Mydlo. I live in Brekov. Brekov is not city or town
it ´s a village. There is a lot of fun. I have a lot of friends in
the Brekov. We have a lot of „ green “ - nature, grass,
forest.... There are some houses, but there aren´t flats. But there
are 3 apartmens blogs too. I live in the flat. We have got one
church and futbal station. I like my village because I have in the
Brekov lot of friends.
utorok 15. mája 2012
O mne
Volám sa Matúš Mydlo. Som žiak 4.B triedy. Chodím do ZŠ Dargovských hrdinov. Najradšej zo všetkého ma baví hokej. Ale mám rád aj futbal. Môj otec hral futbal tiež. Väčšinou bol brankár. Moje obľúbené zviera je pes.
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